Wednesday, June 25, 2008

African filmmakers

The studio that will release Spike Lee’s next film, “Miracle at St. Anna,” has established a program exclusively for emerging African filmmakers called the Africa First Program. Participating filmmakers will have a shot at getting $10,000 in financing for their narrative short films made in Africa.

Africa First was conceived by producer Kisha Imani Cameron (”Sometimes in April”). “As an independent producer myself, I’m always listening for new voices,” she said. “Filmmakers selected for the grants will retain the copyrights to their projects as well as artistic, budgetary and editorial control.”

Five filmmakers will be awarded $10,000 apiece. The submission period began on May 12 and runs through July 15, 2008. The five filmmakers selected will retain distribution rights to their completed shorts, with the exception of North American rights; Focus will have those, as well as the right of first negotiation to productions derived from the shorts, such as a feature-length expansion.

To apply go to:

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