Thursday, June 5, 2008

SATC Isn't Enough For Davis

Actress, Kristin Davis who plays Charlotte in Sex and the City has announced that she is planning on launching her own(you guessed it) line! She's decided to join the rest of celebrities who have decided to do their own thing. Maybe this time she may be able to outshine SJP in this aspect of her career. I said maybe. She has decided to launch the clothing line, which has no name yet, with Belk. When asked why she didn't do it through a higher end department store like Neiman Marcus or Bergdorf Goodman Davis replied,
"I grew up shopping at Belk. It was the nicest store we had, and I'd save my allowance to go to Belk."
Unfortunately, Belk is a southern department store so it seems like we're going to have to make a trip down south Doni! Her line will include a range of clothing from lingerie, jeans, dresses and handbags all in a nice price range($40-$240). So keep your eyes open this fall for Miss Davis' line. Watch out Sarah!

-Christopher Nic.

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