Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Wang Does Uniqlo...

So, I'm sure you've noticed that I've skipped a couple days of posting, and I do apologize, but lets just say I was in New York "researching" for you guys...aka shopping. But I was so excited when we were in Soho and stumbled upon Uniqlo, I've been dying to see this store for a while now. The first thing I saw when I got in the store was designs by Alexander Wang for Uniqlo. After that it was not even a question of if I was going to get something out of there or not, I was getting me a Wang honey! So I picked up the one below...

Simple shift dress, with some graphic details...simple enough to add accessories, and interesting enough to not bore me to death. After I picked up my dress I continued on to see the rest of the store, which was three floors of goodness. Uniqlo's website says that the clothes they provide are necessities to build your own style, so they're not forcing a certain style on you, and that's exactly how it should be. Whenever you get the chance to go to Soho make sure you stop at Uniqlo to witness the massive store and all it has to offer.

-Doni W.

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