Friday, June 20, 2008

Ask Liv Lux!

Jay from Atlanta asks:

What made you start Liv Lux?

Well first Jay I wanted to tell you that I really appreciate you being a daily reader, Liv Lux loves you for that. And the reason I started Liv Lux is because I'm a born leader and I really really really love fashion, and I needed the freedom to write the way I wanted to write. I have a plenty of ideas bottled up inside me all the time and without a creative outlet, you can go crazy. Now was started for the same reason but I saw that Chris was getting into blogging as well so I wanted us to both have a place to "run free" with our passion. Mr. M Legend then expressed his interest in Liv Lux joined the roster and he now gives you beatness every week, lol. So the ultimate reason for Liv Lux is for people like you who love to hear the word, and people like me who love to give it.

Thanks Jay!

If you have any questions feel free to drop anyone of us an email.

-Doni W.

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