Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Location Location Location

Fashion has shown me that location is everything, meaning where you are dictates what you wear. And no matter how hard you try to fight it, your surroundings have some kind of influence on your wardrobe. I've been quite a few places this summer and it amazes me how all the places dress completely different. I spend a lot of time people watching and this is what I've observed

When I went to New York everyone was hipsterific with their Ray-bans on and slim pants and of funky accessories (I couldn't get enough). Soho was thee place to see New York in all it's glory. Limited amount of tourists, some of the best shops around, and and you can see the fashions put to work on the local fashionistas running around. Believe me its Must See T.V. only not on t.v. in person. lol.

Kansas City was a pretty laid back city nothing too exciting. From what I could see people were more into the baseball games than how they looked so they were adorned with sports caps, team shirts, and sneakers (cross trainers, not the cool kind). If they weren't on their way to a game, they were at the mall relaxed as ever with flip flops and t-shirts and....nothing worth talking about lol. But the thing about it is that basically the whole city followed suit, it's all about location and surroundings.

Chicago was a disappointment to say the least...you could find a few trendy folks who were fashionable...but they were lost in the sea of disasters. I was expecting really creative style from men and women sort of similar to New York, but instead I got imitation Soulja Boy's and weaves galore. The little bit of night life looks that I did get to see were very safe and conservative, much like clothes from Express...it was "ok" but not exciting. But I guess LivLux hasn't really reached the folks in Chi-town because I remember specifically stating that the cheese-grater Kanye glasses were dunzo....and I saw like at least 15 people with em on. So let me say it again CHEESE GRATER GLASSES WERE HOT FOR 10 SECONDS, GIVE IT A REST!

And now Miami...Miami was such a pleasant surprise, I've been to Miami a few times but I guess I was too young to realize how stylish the locals were. Now if your the type of person who can't understand and appreciate all styles of fashion you probably shouldn't travel as much. Because I totally understood Miami fashion even though I wouldn't wear half of it (or at least not outside of South Beach). Everything was bejeweled and bedazzled, sheer, short, tight, overly sexy, and colorful. Miami people are not afraid of a little attention. The motto that they probably live by is "The more skin the better, and the higher the heel even better" it was crazy. Chris Nic and I joked about all the endangered species they had running around....THE MODELS! Everywhere you turned there was a 6 ft gorgeous model towering over you in the most itsy bitsy clothes. Its not an everyday occurrence to see "real models" where we're from, but it was fun to feel like a midget for awhile. And just a fair warning...if you don't like the tattoo inspired shirts with studded skull heads and tons of graphics, stay far far away from Miami...it's Ed Hardy overload!

So the moral of the story is: Don't become a victim of your environment...unless you live in a stylish place of course ;-)

-Doni W.

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