Sunday, July 27, 2008

Why am I not sat in my garden???????

Hello my lovely friends.........
a few days ago I was asked if I should like to join an exciting project!! What a wonderful email to receive, I was thrilled.......truly thrilled.... please visit Cowboys and Custard for lots more information and many more links to the fabulous bloggers that are becoming and have become involved in this exciting project.

It is a bloggers Christmas Fair,(22nd November) where Vintage and Handmade items will be for sale. I am at long last going to sell some of my crafts that you see on my blog, and what is even more exciting..... hopefully to meet many of you, who's blogs I know and love and adore, and those of you who I am maybe meeting for the first time, a chance to say' Hi ' and have lots of new friends to make.
I am having a table amongst all these brilliant and talented ladies, and I am so looking forward to this. As you have all probably guessed I became exhausted and stressed a few months ago and took a long rest. I was starting to feel a little lost and lonely and had lost my motivation, but now I feel so inspired and feel that my rest has paid dividends in giving me a clear head for a new start. So please watch my space a little more often and I am sure the coming months will be exciting.

Hugs and kisses
Lynn xx

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