Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Apparently Boost Mobile has bigger plans than to just be a prepaid churp service, because out of nowhere came a line of device cases, designed by a wide array of underground artists and designers.

"Boosted is a lifestyle brand passionate about and influenced by art, music and popular culture. Boosted develops products and content to enhance the mobile lifestyle of today’s youth, and uses its resources to shine the light on the deserving or under recognized. The collection includes original artist created content and mobile device accessory solutions including audio headsets, carrying cases, toy inspired desktop device holders, desktop speakers, amongst others."

This backpack was designed by an amazing artist Madsteez, who's work is really indescribable, so I won't even try, just visit madsteez.com when your done here. And below are a pair of headphones for only the coolest dj's in the world. I think this is really smart of Boost to do, because artistic and underground culture is really big right now and this definitely gives them street cred. Remember people, never put all your eggs in one basket, diversify like Boost did.

-Doni W.

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