Saturday, May 31, 2008

Elf in Waiting

Greetings my dear friends,

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Following a brief break from ebay, I just listed a new sculpt yesterday. She is the largest and most intricate sculpture I have attempted yet, and I thoroughly relished working on her as time permitted.

Because of her 12 inch size she is a heavy weighted doll, so I put a brass rod in each leg for extra support.

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The clay is almost porcelain white, so I plan to totally paint her in Genesis paints for a warmer skin tone. I wanted to share pictures of her before painting and costuming so you could see what a lovely canvas she will be for coloring and dressing.

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Her character has a strong heart...of knowing hope fulfilled.

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Also, my sculpting table has been graced with a wee French Gnome Faerie. A rare commission I accepted during my reprieve.

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So tiny and delicate, and riding a shell with a fish for an escort. She has a definite destination to her journey and is determined to reach it.

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My sculpting time has been sporadic...during nap times and late at night. But oh so pleasurable. Can you tell?

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Thank you so much for dropping by on your own journey...

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