Sunday, May 11, 2008

Gossip Girl vs. The Hills

Everyone knows that the hottest shows this season are Gossip Girl and The Hills. I mean, who wouldn't enjoy watching a group of spoiled teenage royalties with drama around every corner? With television being ruled by reality shows I would expect The Hills to take off without a problem. And with the crazy plot that GG has I was bound to get wound up in the hype. With both of the shows season coming to an end I wonder whose Season 2 are the people more anticipating. I think I would have to put my money on Gossip Girl. I love the cast and the show just keeps you in suspense. Oh, and you can't forget their wardrobe which is every teenage fashionistas dream; guys and girls, alike. I don't remember seeing one outfit that I didn't love Blake Lively in. This isn't to bash Heidi or any of them, it's just that for The Hills to be a REALity show it starting to seem so FAKE. Having this discussion with friends last night it made me realize certain things that just seemed so phony. Like how Lauren buys that house out of nowhere and the pet went from a cat to a dog over night. wtf?! No matter the issue, I still have my eyes glued to that television every week at the same times for both of these awesome shows. I can't wait for the finale!!

-Christopher Nic.

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