Monday, May 12, 2008

Welcome To The House Of Viktor & Rolf

I was up until 3:00 in the morning on Viktor & Rolf's website and was in absolute amazement from the time I logged in. I never really payed any attention to these two designers until I was directed to their website by Doni W. The intro is out of this world...with the virtual Viktor & Rolf themselves welcoming you to their home. With the different sections of the website being different rooms around the house it took everything in me to get off and go to bed. But I made sure when I got time today I was going to write about it. The rooms include The Perfumery, The Library and The Grand Salon. Oh, you cant forget to visit the best kept secret; Secret Service. The website is one of the best I've seen by far and I would highly recommend you check it out (as soon as you get finished reading & COMMENTING) at Here's a video of their latest show. Hope you enjoy!

-Christopher Nic.

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