Tuesday, May 20, 2008


AYO fashionistas!! Ok so I'm tired of this hype over the wonder face syrum Proactiv. Let me give you all a little insight. THE MESS DOES NOT WORK!!! It's an awful rip off and I do not understand why people watch infomercials at 2am ordering the gawd awful face cream. They tell you it's going to take away your worst skin/blemish nightmares and it does nothing but make them worse. I can't blame them(p-activ) though because baby they had a sickening marketing plan. They threw the fallen Ms. America (Vanessa Williams) and America's Next Dumb Blonde (Jessica Simpson) in you alls face and the masses flocked to the phone lines and website to order. Now I do understand that each case has it's own individual needs and some users may have seen results but I stand by my word that the miracle cream is a horrible nightmare. I would recommend you follow the five step approach (previous post) and find yourself a much less expensive EFFECTIVE cleanser that gives results! The P-activ set will run at average 65 dead prezzies and you dont get your money back if your facial gremlins don't go away....sweetie you're left with a bumpy face and a bruised ego not only that a thin pocket!!! Oops!! Sorry...it's ok though becuase there's always hope healthy and beautiful skin is a process and lifestyle...."Til next time...

M. Legend

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