Friday, May 16, 2008

M Legend says: Skincare First!

I love how all the new age kids are just going fashion crazy and soaking the lovely knowledge of my fav mag LL. But one thing my precious fashionistas must remember that although the wrapping paper may be cute if the gift itself sucks then you’re still good for nothing. In laymen’s terms even if you dress cute if your skin is awful then you might as well hang it up. Your body is a precious temple therefore you should treat it as such. I don’t care what type of skin you have there are many inexpensive ways to minimize flaw and maximize glam. Here’s a quick 5 step approach to good skin care.

HYDARTE!: you cant expect your body to give you a natural glow if it isn’t hydrated. Up your water intake (yes boo 8 glasses a day/4 16oz bottles) Its important for building the body’s defenses. I live for Fiji water but that’s just Me and Mariah’s taste…whatever tickles your fancy as long as its not TAP!…UGH..

CLEANSE!: find a cleanser for your skin type (oily, dry, combination) that works for you. I really love St. Ive’s, Aveeno, Neutrogena, & Oil of O’lay. All great inexpensive cleansers that come in a variety of type and some really cute fragrances…lol…do it daily preferably 2x a day

Moisturize!: I can’t stress enough the art of moisturization (yes I made that up…lol) But seriously keep a health level of moisture in your skin is almost a definite. Make sure to get a moisturizer that matches your skin type. Its my recommendation to use the moisturizer of the same brand as your cleanser. Products of the same line work well in conjunction with one another.

PROTECT!: LISTEN!!! I don’t care if you are black, white, blue, or green. SPF15 sunscreen is a must for all skin. It protect from those dangerous things called UV rays and keeps your skin looking young. People with high melanin levels think sunscreen is for them…OH no boo…sun causes wrinkles too…so I suggest you COVER UP!

The BDTMF Method: Now this is the most important and most crucial step. It’s the B*@%& DON’T TOUCH MY FACE Method. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE take me seriously when I say the greatest crime is not murder or theft but touching someone’s face with your germ infested nasty hands…Do not allow people to put their hands (which have been Goodness knows where) on your face. It’s for your own health babez.

So all in all it’s very possible to have a natural and healthy beauty and if you follow these simple steps I can almost guarantee you’ll be glamorous in no time. Now if you have special issues I do support dermatologists (they went to school for a reason..OK!) Oh and these tips go for dudes and dames…we all wanna be cute don’t we? ‘Til next time…

Be Glamorous…Be Beat….Like Me!! LOL

-M Legend

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