Friday, May 9, 2008

Why Heidi...Why?

So what do you call really cheap clothes with a celebrity name stamped on them...HEIDIWOOD! Wait, can we actually call her a celebrity? Anyway I am highly pissed and disappointed at this monstrosity of a line. I could do better at Wet Seal... as a matter of fact that's were these clothes should be...Wet Seal. I hate to be so harsh, but Heidi is always so so so cute on The Hills and it's just a sad day in fashion when someone puts out a line just for the sake of putting out a line. Ok celebs, jump off the "I'm famous so I'll make clothes" bus, it's not cute anymore. Honestly, I've never worn Dereon, Applebottoms, J. Lo, G. Unit, and never plan on it (I will buy some Bitten without blinking though). I'm just not interested in wearing your name on me if it's unflattering and screams MADE IN A BAD SWEATSHOP IN CHINA, and HeidiWood just looks like a crime and a shame.

I really think she had good intentions by making clothes that weren't outrageously priced, but Heidi please, do not sacrifice style by doing so, because we all know by now that it's not rocket science to look pulled together without breaking the bank. So when it comes to this battle, I'm definitely on team Lauren! Now her line isn't half bad, cute dresses and easy pieces that coordinate more with her personal style then Heidi's line. It's slightly pricier, but it's worth it, you won't look like you hit a lick at Rainbow like "you know who's" line. Get it together Heidi...or just take it off the shelves.

Lauren's Line

-Doni W.

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